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  • Five Ways 米切尔云玻璃 is Simplifying the Evolving Challenges of Glass Claims

Five Ways 米切尔云玻璃 is Simplifying the Evolving Challenges of Glass Claims

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Senior Vice President, Repair Sales, Mitchell, An Enlyte Company

Glass claims have grown increasingly complex over the past few years, 而且,似乎更复杂的事情还在前面. 随着越来越多的车辆装备 高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS) that involve auto glass and more complexity in the composition of glass components on newer vehicles, it has become clear that new and improved solutions for managing glass claims are needed. 现代的主要特征 玻璃索赔管理亚博真人官方版APP 包括:

  • 第一个带有移动选项的损失补偿通知
  • Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) repair procedure integration
  • 供应商管理
  • 在云中集成API的移动亚博真人官方版APP
  • VIN解码
  • 审计工具
  • 综合策略验证
  • 电子工作分配
  • 管理报告

虽然所有这些功能都很重要, in this article we will highlight five of the most valuable features.

1. 自助式基于web的FNOL与移动选项

今天的消费者想要即时服务, and many prefer a self-directed process for both filing the claim and managing the repair. The best new solutions are those that allow consumers to file a claim online, offer immediate coverage verification and allow self-selection of a local vendor. There are even new options that allow sending consumers with a glass claim a link that allows smartphone claims entry.

2. 整合式OEM维修程序

With more and more glass claims involving vehicle safety systems including ADAS lane departure, the stakes have never been higher for ensuring that glass installations are done in line with OEM程序 以确保ADAS继续正常运作. The best new systems support installers with integrated repair procedures that use advanced VIN解码 and automatically deliver relevant repair procedures while the repair invoice is being developed.

3. NAGS集成与先进的定价效率

The best systems will have integration with the latest 国家汽车玻璃规范(NAGS) 数据确保准确定价. For vendor management, glass systems should support the traditional “Offer & Acceptance” model to manage participation of installers. The latest systems go beyond this to encourage vendors to set their own pricing while giving them feedback on the competitive local market dynamics. Reverse auction pricing is another feature that can encourage local competition among vendors.

4. 基于云计算的设计

In an increasingly mobile world where systems need to share data efficiently and securely, a cloud-based design offers the ultimate flexibility and scalability. The best systems allow vendors to operate on their choice of device, 在任何地方, 只要有浏览器和互联网连接,随时都可以.

5. 合规审计和管理报告

The best of this new breed of systems has built-in compliance auditing that can be set to your exact business rules, 而且随着时间的推移很容易修改. 现在不再需要耗时的手工审查, the system can flag claims that do not comply with your business rules, 允许高效率的管理. Comprehensive management reports can slice data by vendor, vehicle type, region and other criteria.

Access All 5 Features and More with 米切尔云玻璃

Now carriers and glass vendors can benefit from a modern, cloud-based application that leverages the latest functionality and data access to provide the benefits needed to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Mitchell has taken all the best features of its industry-leading GlassMate product and moved them to the Cloud. Integrated repair procedures save time by delivering OEM程序 automatically during the repair invoice creation. The system even delivers interior trim procedures making the repair process for door panels and headliners go smoothly. 使用这个过程, the OEM procedure documents can be saved with the claim file, 提供适当维修的文件. 米切尔云玻璃 offers unparalleled features enabling outstanding consumer service, effectively managing claims costs and supporting proper and safe repairs.

The glass business is undergoing unprecedented change. Glass businesses and carriers will require new tools and new technologies to remain competitive. 使用米切尔云玻璃, 您将能够使用最新的工具, data and applications from the industry leader in glass—Mitchell International. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 汽车玻璃维修管理亚博真人官方版APP页面 或拨打800.238.9111.